Trotskyist Press on India/Sri Lanka (1939-1951)

This list has been compiled and adapted for this site from the comprehensive
Newspapers/ Periodicals index on the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL). Notes in square brackets are ours.

Links take you to full article on
ETOL or the Marxists Internet Archive (when available). Watch out for typos!

As always, links to outside resources offered for information's sake only, except as noted.

Party resolutions, theses, manifestoes, and works by Leon Trotsky are given
in bold, as are attributions to Trotsky, the Indian Trotskyists (the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India, or BLPI), and the Ceylonese (Sri Lankan) Trotskyists (Lanka Sama Samaj Party, or LSSP).]

See also: Manifesto of the Fourth International on Imperialist War and Proletarian Revolution (May 26, 1940), with sections on "Colonial peoples in the war" and "Tasks of the revolution in India." Links to other documents drafted by Trotsky can be found on the anti-caste: Trotsky on India and Permanent Revolution index.


Workers� International News

Theoretical organ of the Workers International League (1938-44) and its continuator, the Revolutionary Communist Party (1944-49).]

Volume 2 Number 7, July 1939
Ferment in India, by Ajit Roy

Volume 2 Number 8, August 1939
Congress Socialism, by Ajit Roy

Volume 2 Number 12, December 1939
India and the War

Volume 3 Number 1, January 1940
The Real Situation in India

Volume 3 Number 4, April 1940
Mounting Crisis in India

Volume 3 Number 5, May 1940
British Labour and India

Volume 3 Number 9, September 1940
Britain and the East

Vol 5 Number 3/4 (no date)
The Road to India�s Freedom � The Permanent Revolution in India and the Task of the British Working Class, by E. Grant and A. Scott
[sorry, no link available see photo above]
Thesis of Indian Fourth Internationalists (1941) [by the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India]

Volume 5 Number 8, January 1943
Friends of India, by Ajit Roy

Volume 5 Number 12, August 1943
India � the Role of Congress Leaders, by Ajit Roy

Volume 5 Number 4, October-November 1943*
News from Indian Fourth Internationalists (from
Fourth International)
WIL Thesis on Indian Revolution
Tasks of the Industrial Militants (Resolution)

Volume 5 Number 6, February 1944
After Thoughts on Dissolution of the Comintern by an Indian Revolutionist, by Hakim Mirza [Kamlesh Bannerji]

Volume 5 Number 7, December 1944 [ETOL notes that numbering is same as previous month]
The Bombay Plan, by M. Naidu
Statement of Indian Trotskyists on Trial [actually, they were Ceylonese/Sri Lankan Trotskyists of the Lanka Sama Samaj Party]

Volume 6 Number 5, February-March 1946
The Politics of the Indian Bourgeoisie, by Suren Moraji [Hector Abhayavardhana] [originally published as a pamphlet by the Indian Trotskyist party, the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India.]

Volume 6 Number 9, September-October 1946
The Indian Constituent Assembly [originally from Indian Trotskyist journal, Spark.]

Volume 7 Number 1, January-February 1947
Conflict in India, by T[ony]. Cliff]


The New International
(July 1934�March 1940)

[from The Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line:] "[The New International] was founded as the organ of the Trotskyist group, named the Communist League of America, which formed out of a split from the Communist Party. The CLA merged with the American Workers Party (a left-socialist group led by A.J. Muste, James Burnham et al.), to form the Workers Party of the US (Jan. 1935 issue). The magazine was suspended (last issue: June 1936) when the Trotskyists joined the Socialist Party and was reissued (Jan. 1938) when they split with the Socialist Party, forming the Socialist Workers Party. The SWP in turn split in the spring of 1940, and the magazine went (Apr. 1940) with the then minority, which organized itself under the name of Workers Party."

Volume IV, Number 3 (Whole No.17), March 1938
White Sahibs, by H. Stanley (sic!)

[H. Stanley is apparently a misprint for S[herman]. Stanley, party name of Stanley Plastrik, who was considered the Socialist Workers Party�s India expert. According to Robert Alexander�s article �Trotskyism in India,�  Trotsky �was informed occasionally about current political trends in the subcontinent by Stanley Plastrik (using the party name Sherman Stanley), a young member of the Socialist Workers Party in New York, who on his own initiative had taken it upon himself to learn about the subject and had various correspondents in the Congress Socialist Party in India. He had also recruited an Indian immigrant into the SWP in New York City.�

In the 1940 split Plastrik went with the Shachtmanites (he was Max Shachtman�s nephew) and continued writing on India and other topics for the hijacked New International. In 1952 he quit Shactman�s International Socialist League along with Irving Howe, and with Howe and others he went on to co-found
Dissent. He died in 1981 at the age of 66. Also known as Henry Judd, under which name he wrote the pamphlet India in Revolt (1942)--see photo above. An archive of his writings can be foundhere.]

Volume IV, Number 4 (Whole No.19), April 1https://
Problems of Colonial India, by S. Stanley

Volume IV, Number 5 (Whole No.20), May 1https://
Problems of Colonial India II, by S. Stanley

Volume IV, Number 6 (Whole No.21), June 1https://
Problems of Colonial India III, by S. Stanley

Volume IV, Number 9 (Whole No.24), September 1https://
Notes on Contemporary India, by S. Stanley

Volume V, Number 2 (Whole No.29), February 1https://
Will India Accept Federation?, by S. Stanley

Volume V, Number 4, April 1https://
A Voice from Peasant India, by Jadunandan Sharma

Volume V, Number 9 (Whole No.36), September 1939
An Open Letter to the Workers of India, by Leon TrotskyThe Story Behind Tea, by Sherman Stanley

Volume V, Number 10 (Whole No.37), October 1https://
British Imperialism in India: A Chart of the Exploitation of 375,000,000 People, by Sherman Stanley

[continued (under a different editorial board) by]:Fourth International

Volume III, Number 3 (Whole No.20), March 1942
The Classes of India and Their Political Roles
The Mind of India�s Bourgeoisie, by Larissa Reed

Volume III, Number 4 (Whole No.21), April 1942
Why India Spurned Cripps, Editorial Comment
Ceylon�s Road to Freedom, Ceylon Socialist Party
Britain�s Role in India, Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India
Cripps: Too Little, Too Late, by Larissa Reed
Anglo-American Plans for Italy, by Jack Ranger

Volume III, Number 5 (Whole No.21https://1942
Burnham�s Role, Shachtman�s Apology, by F.M. [Felix Morrow]

Volume III, Number 9 (Whole No.25),https://ber 1942
The Truth About the Cripps Mission, by Felix Morrow
Americanhttps://on India
Petty-Bourgeois Radicalism on the Struggle in India, by F.M. [Felix Morrow]

Volume III, Number 10 (Whole No.26https://ber 1942
To the Workers and Peasants of India [manifesto of the Fourth International]
The Real Situation in Ceylon

Volume III, Number 11 (Whole No.27)https://ber 1942
A Letter From India: A Postscript to a Slander, by F.M. [Felix Morrow]

Volume III, Number 12 (Whole No.28)https://ber 1942
Prospects and Tasks in the East, by Leon Trotsky (different translation) [speech on the third anniversary of the Communist University for Toilers of the East]

Volume IV, Number 3 (Whole No.31), March 1943
Some British �Friends� of India, by Ajit Roy

Volume IV, Number 7 (Whole No.35), July 1943

Volume V, Number 8 (Whole https:// August 1944
Leon Trotsky, Revolutionary Teacher of the Colonial Peoples, by Li Fu-Jen

Volume 5, Number 10 (Whole No.47), October 1944
Trotskyism in India
The Present Political Situation in India (Theses)
Gandhi on the Road to Betrayal
The August 1942 Struggle, by Rupsingh
The Food Crisis, by S. Krishna Menon
War and the Food Crisis, by J.K.L.

Volume VI, Number 7 (Whole No.56), July 1945

Volume VI, Number 9 (Whole No.53), September 1945
The Wavell Plan, by K. Tilak

Volume VII, Number 10 (Whole No.71), October 1946
Indian Correspondence, by K. Tilak

The Program for Ceylon
Appendix to the Program of the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India on the Tasks of Ceylon

Volume VIII, Number 6 (Whole No.79), June 1947
The Road to Socialism in India, by Indra Sen

Volume IX, Number 5 (Whhttps://87), July 1948
The Struggles of the Colonial Peoples and the World Revolution [resolution of the Fourth International]
A Letter from Ceylon

Volume XIII, Number 3 (Total No.116), May-June 1952
The Ceylon Elections

International Socialist Review

Volume 21 Number 3 (Whole No.152), Summer 1960
India and China � A Contrast, by Daniel Roberts
Volume 22 Number 1 (Whole No.154), Winter 1961
Postscript on India, by Bert Deck


The New International
(April 1940�Spring-Summer 1958)

[from the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line:] "The Socialist Workers Party split in the spring of 1940, and [its] magazine[, The New International,] went (Apr. 1940) with the then minority, which organized itself under the name of Workers Party. This organization changed its name to Independent Socialist League after April 1949."

[On the political basis of the 1940 split and the subsequent trajectory of the Workers Party/Independent Socialishttps://e, see the article �
The Bankruptcy of �New Class� Theories: Tony Cliff and Max Shachtman: Pro-Imperialist Accomplices of Counterrevolution� in Spartacist (English edition No. 55, Autumn 1999).]

Volume VI,https:// 3 (Whole No.42), April 1940
India and the Third Camp, by Sherman Stanley [see note on author above, under The New International, Volume IV, Number 3 (Whole No.17), March 1938]

Volume VII, Number 3 (Whole No.52), April 1941
Eton Brahmin, by Sherman Stanley
[quite possibly not about India?]

Volume VII, Number 11 (Whole No. 59), December 1941
The Future of India, by Henry Judd
[see note on author above, under The New International, Volume IV, Number 3 (Whole No.17), March 1938]

Volume VIII,,https:// 2 (Whole No.61), March 1942
The British Conquest Of India [a (somewhat inaccurate) abridgement of a thesis by the Indian Trotskyist party, the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India]

Volume VIII, Number 3 (Whole No.62), April 1942
� War and the Colonial Peoples, by A.G.
An Impudent Slander, by M.S. {Max Shachtman]
The Social Classes in India, A Thesis

Volume VIII, Number 5 (Whole No.64), June 1942
Factories and Colonies, by H.J. [Henry Judd (Stanley Plastrik)]

Volume VIII, Number 6 (Whole No.64), July 1942
Karl Marx on India

Volume VIII, Number 7 (Whole No.66), August 1942
� The Revolt in India, by H.J.  [Henry Judd (Stanley Plastrik)]

Volume VIII, Number 8 (Whole No.67), September 1942
� Inquilab Zindabad!
Opportunism on India, by Henry Judd
The Road for India, by Leon Trotsky [?]

Volume VIII, Number 9 (Whole No.67), October 1942
� Discussion On Congress, by A.G.
Once More: Opportunism on India, by H.J. [Henry Judd (Stanley Plastrik)]

Volume IX, Number 2, (Whole No.72), February 1943
� Reviewing Indian Books, by Sylvia Merrill

Volume IX, Number 10 (Whole No.80), November 1943
General Wavell Comes to India, by Henry Young

Volumehttps://umber 10 (Whole No.112), December 1946
Behind the Hindu-Moslem Strife: National or Religious Question?, by Henry Judd
Resolution on �Pakistan�The Politics of the Indian Bourgeoisie, by Suren Morarji [Hector Abhyavardhana] [originally published as a pamphlet by the Indian Trotskyist party, the Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India.]

Volume XIII, Nuhttps://(Whole No.114), February 1947
The Marxist Movement in Ceylon, Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India [appendix to the BLPI party program]

Volume XIII, Number https://e No.119), September 1947
Stalinism and the Colonies: Dispute Between Lanka Sama Samaj and the Workers Party
Lanka Sama Samaj
From Henry Judd
https://lume XIII, Number 8 (Whole No.120), October 1947
Colonial Questions Today, Resolution of the Chinese TrotskyistsToward a Reunited India: Program for the Fight Against Partition, by Henry Judd

Volume XIV, Number 4 (Whole No.125), April 1948
Struggle for the Image of Gandhi, by Henry Judd
Sub-Continent, by H.J. [Henry Judd (Stanley Plastrik)] [review of India, Pakistan, and the West by Percival Spear]

Volume XVI, Number 4 (Whole No.142), July-August 1950
Asia Enters World History, by Jack Brad & Henry Judd
Who Controls India�s Economy?, by Asoka Mehta
India and the United States, by Abel Baker

Volume XVII, Number 5 (Whole No.149), September-October 1951
India�s Foreign Policy Examined, by Asoka Mehta


Trotsky on India and Permanent Revolution: index of works and relevant passages

for a recent Trotskyist analysis of the independence struggle and the role of  IndianTrotskyists in it, see
The 'Quit India' Movement 50 Years On: Stalinist Alliance with Churchill Betrayed Indian Revolution (Workers Hammer)

Trotskyism in India, Part One: Origins Through World War Two (1939-45)
by Charles Wesley Ervin (
Revolutionary History, Vol 1 No 4, Winter 1989-90)

Marxists on India

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